Determining Levels in Analytical Rubrics

Determining Levels in Rubrics

Tips for determining the number of levels include

  • In general, four to six levels are considered ideal.
    • Fewer than four makes it difficult to distinguish performances
    • More than six makes it difficult to comprehend distinctions (particularly for students).
  • More complex performances require comparatively more level than simpler tasks.
  • When deciding on an odd or even number of levels, consider the effect of having a middle level. Will middle represent neutral and is that acceptable for the task?
  • Develop names for the levels that are tactful and descriptive. Examples:
    • Expert, proficient, developing, novice o Exceeds expectations, meets expectations, approaching expectations, below expectations
    • Exemplary, acceptable, developing, unacceptable o Expert, intermediate, developing, beginning o Excellent, good, average, fair
    • Exceeds standard, meets standards, marginal, unacceptable
    • Optimizing, operating, developing, emerging o Accomplished, advancing, developing, beginning
    • Exceptional, advanced, proficient, basic

When writing the descriptions of the levels ensure that the descriptions:

  • Have a face validity (make sense to students and other faculty).
  • Are instructive to students. That is, the descriptions break down the dimensions of the task and articulate what quality is for each dimension.
  • Reflect variation in quality of the dimension (rather than a shift in the definition of the dimension).
  • Provide enough information to discern important differences, but not too much to encourage focusing on trivial differences. Are clearly defined, and avoid overuse of terms such as fairly well, some, or substantial.
  • Are described well enough so that someone else could use the rubric and get the same result as you would.