Faculty Coordinating Committee

Photo of Hepburn Hall Tower Fisheye

Faculty Coordinating Committee

Program Assessment Coordinating Committee (PACC)

Consistent with the mission of NJCU, the Program Assessment Coordinating Committee (PACC) is responsible for enhancing the culture of assessment at NJCU.  PACC engages faculty and departments in rigorous and ongoing assessment to improve the outcomes for and success of all of our students.

PACC is a representative body comprised of faculty from the colleges and staff from the Office for Institutional Effectiveness that is charged with:

  • Providing guidance and ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø in the development of program-level assessment plans;
  • Providing professional development for assessment efforts related to student learning;
  • Providing guidance and recommendations for continuous improvement initiatives related to student learning;
  • Helping to minimize duplication of efforts by leveraging assessment processes to meet the standards of multiple accrediting bodies.

Individual Consultations

PACC has adopted a collaborative model of interaction which brings together professionals with various areas of expertise to develop solutions to assessment concerns.

Do you need help creating measurable Student Learning Outcomes for a new program you are developing? Do you need help mapping your Outcomes? Are you looking for ideas on different types of activities that will align with the Student Learning Outcomes already in place? Do you "have assessment data" but not know what "to do" with it?  Let us help you!

 Current Membership

In addition to IE staff, membership includes:

  • Barbara Blozen, Nursing
  • Venessa Garcia, Criminal Justice
  • Laine Giovanetto, Biology 
  • Adele Macula, Educational Leadership
  • Jennifer Musial, Women's and Gender Studies
  • Ruth Ortiz, Assessment/Accreditation, School of Business
  • Kathleen Rennie, Marketing
  • Ling Yang, Accounting


Meeting Information
Academic Year 2021-2022

Date Topic Documents
Sept 22, 2021 Focus for AY2021-22  Agenda, Minutes
Oct 20, 2021 Planning; Meeting/Webinar Agenda, Minutes
Nov 17, 2021 Set date/time for Webinar, PACC members meeting with Program Assessment Personnel Agenda, Minutes
Dec 15,2021 Identify Spring 2022 meeting date/time, Identify Assessment Series Topics Agenda, Minutes



One Departments Approach to Curriculum Mapping
Presenter_Kathleen Rennie
School of Business, Wednesday, October 16, 2019, 2P
Main Campus, Friday, November 1, 2019, 10:30A, GSUB 129

Roundtable Discussion - Developing Rubrics
Presenter_Brian Hutchison
Main Campus, Wednesday, November 13, 2019, 1P, GSUB 317