Personnel Files

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Personnel Files

Policy Name:  Personnel Files
Policy ID Number:  03-04-016
Version Effective Date: Not available
Last reviewed on: January 1, 2019
Applies To:  Faculty, Staff
Responsible Office:  Human Resources


New Jersey City University (NJCU) maintains personnel records for all employees in order to have a complete and accurate records of employment related decisions, benefit choices, and comply with government record keeping requirements.

Personnel files are the property of NJCU. Files and records will be maintained in confidence, except as access is necessary for the business needs of NJCU and as disclosure may be required by law. An official personnel file is maintained for each employee at NJCU by the Human Resources Department. To ensure confidentiality of personnel information, access to an employee’s file is restricted to the employee, the Human Resources Department, managers and supervisors. An employee’s benefits file is maintained separately from the personnel file in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Access to an employee’s benefit file is restricted to the employee and the Assistant Vice President of Human Resources or his or her designee. Supervisors or managers may not be provided with benefit information about employees. A supervisor or manager is entitled to know any necessary restrictions on an employee’s duties and information necessary to make reasonable accommodations.   Employees have the opportunity to review the contents of their personnel files. For details, please refer to the appropriate collectively negotiated agreement set forth in the links below:

AFT Agreement                         See Article XXIX

                           See Article 26

                        See Article 16

                     See Article 12

Non Unit Managers: Non unit managers may review the contents of their personnel files by making an appointment with the Human Resources Department

A representative of the government or law enforcement agency may be allowed access to a personnel file. This decision will be made at the discretion of the Human Resources Department in response to their request, legal subpoena or court order.

As deemed necessary or appropriate by the Policy Coordinator but at a minimum, at least every 5 years from the date of last review.