Statement on the Verdict of the Murder of George Floyd

April 20, 2021
Equal Justice Under Law On Stone Sign

Today, from a courtroom in Minneapolis, a guilty verdict was rendered in the trial of former police officer Derek Chauvin, whose brutal and deadly actions resulted in the death of George Floyd provoking marches and outrage throughout the world.

Our imperfect criminal justice system has left too many in our society marginalized. The promise of equal justice under law has been deferred too long. We must double our efforts to rid our society of such inequities. The long journey of racial justice and reconciliation in our country must continue. We continue to be inspired by Dr. Martin Luther Kings confidence that The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.

Both as individuals and as a community we must redouble our commitment to provide opportunity to all. NJCU must continue to be a place where individuals from all backgrounds can thrive and celebrate their unique gift to society. We must continue to find new ways to commit more fully to ensuring equity and inclusion, listening to one another and recognizing and celebrating our differences. We must double down to eradicate racism, intolerance and injustice. It begins with us.    

We have made great progress as a country, but every day in America if were willing to look carefully enough, we are confronted with the fact that we still have much to do. 

As former President Barack Obama has said Because for all our differences, we are one people, stronger together than we could ever be alone.

Sue Henderson, Ph.D.